I thank you very much for this product. I used to have to stuff myself with pills, which seemed to do nothing but make things worse. After a full course of Insulinorm, the fatigue and drowsiness disappeared, my sugar levels normalized, and my overall well-being improved dramatically! I feel like a completely healthy person again.
Dominic Kowalski, Aberdeen

I have suffered from type II diabetes for many years, with continuous fluctuations in blood sugar. I also had eyesight problems, chronic fatigue, and high blood pressure. There was no peace in my life... I stuck to my diet and did everything the doctor told me to do. Despite everything, my blood sugar fluctuated between 3.2 and 11 during the day. Insulinorm was recommended to me by a neighbor. I noticed the first changes almost immediately. My blood sugar started to stay around 5-8, completely normal values. I started to feel good again and want to live. I am continuing the course of treatment - the final results will be seen at the end of it. I can already recommend the product now!
Lora Burns, San Diego

My husband is 49 years old and was diagnosed with diabetes about 5 years ago. He tried many medications, but nothing gave tangible results. Chronic fatigue has turned into depression. I came across information about Insulinorm and asked him to give it one last try. My husband started taking the capsules following the instructions. The results were not long in coming. He became more active and we are both happy!
Elly Andersen, Chicago